Beallara could be grown in any parts of the world due to its varied parentage. They could cope with temperatures as high as 32 Deg Cel and as low as 15 Deg Cel. Temperatures can cause changes to the flower color. The flowers can reach up to 7 inches in size and darker in colour with cooler tempeature.
Low to medium light is recommended. Leaves could turn purple in color with bright light. A slight tinge of purple in the leaf is a sign of good health.
Humidity is more important if the light is bright. 50% or higher humidity is recommended. Misting is advised in warm dry conditions to prevent burning. Humidity trays are used for indoor settings.
It is best to water only when the medium approaches dryness. This can be from every 5 to 7 days in colder or highly humid conditions. Over watering can kill the plant or cause bacteria or fungal infection.
NPK 20:20:20 or 20:10:20 could be used to fertilize once a week.
Repotting is recommended yearly when the new growth is seen. Sphagnum moss, coconut husk, coco peat, sponge rock,charcoal, tree fern fiber and cork slabs are all used as the medium.